Ever seen the entire Missouri Meerschaum pipe line all in one place?

I was talking with some cob lovers recently about the Missouri Meerschaum Legend pipe when the question came up about which was larger, the Legend or the Washington.  It's a very good question, and rather than keep the answer to myself I decided to snap a photo and share it with you. As you can see, from the top and going down the left row are the Missouri Pride, the Washington, the Legend and the wooden Ozark Mountain.  Believe it or not they are all the same size. (Click the pic to Biggie-Size it)

I've mentioned before that I find this size pipe a little small for my liking, and as I was staging this I decided to put the entire family into the picture.

The middle row starts with the Country Gentleman, the Patriot, the Diplomat. Let's skip the bottom pipes for a moment and head back to the top right row.  First is the Great Dane Spool, follwed by the Great Dane Egg and finally the General.

Across the bottom from the left are the Freehand, the Smooth and Polished bent MacArthur and then the natural or "Neked" straight MacArthur.  

There are a few more things to note:
  • The bent Legend in the photo is one that I've been smoking for over ten years!  It was once just as yellow as the straight one above it, but the "juice" from smoking has darkened it. 
  • Along the bottom are two natural, or "Neked" Diplomats.  These are only available in small quantities in the Fall, as they require extra large cobs that are in very short supply.  I included them here to show the range of color present in natural cobs.
All of these pipes are available at www.aristocob.com

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